

Anurag's GitHub stats

Hey, I'm a 7th grader at NBMS. I enjoy programming, video games, skiing, and aviation.

This portfolio is built with Next.js and a library called Nextra, but I'm also fairly versed in the Unity Game Engine, C#, HTML, CSS, and Blender. I've been programming since I was eight and I would say it's one of my main hobbies. I started out using programs like scratch and code.org to learn the basics before moving onto HTML. I spent most of my days after school prgramming basic websites to show to my parents. At age 10 I became interested in game development, picking up Unity and aong the way learning skills like OOP, Basic modeling skills, shader knowledge, and general knowledge of the processes and steps to make a game. Im still constantly learning more and more and to this day, I am fully self taught.

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